Boris RED - 5.0.5

Tags: Media 100 , RED , Soundbite

Changes between RED 5.0.4 and RED 5.0.5 are:

New Feature (for RED Stand Alone Engine only):

Editable Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) field in Project Settings window with many modern format presets added:

You can edit the field by typing in a PAR number of your choice i.e. .91, 1.09, 1.21, 1.33, 1.46, 1.5, 1.78, 2 et al.

Fixed Issues:

• All Macintosh/Windows Systems - Projects from RED 4 don’t adjust duration. This is Fixed. However, you need to set RED 5 project’s frame rate to match that of RED 4’s project before opening it.

• Macintosh Systems - RED does not show BCC and FEC filters on a 28+ characters drive. This is Fixed so now the filters show up.

• All Macintosh/Windows Systems - 3 way color wheel feedback in RED is slower than in AE. Fixed, so the performance is at par with how it responds in AE as a plug-in.

• All Macintosh/Windows Systems – In BCC 3 Way Color Grade, Egg shape overlay does not respond when RED is in low resolution. Fixed.

• All Macintosh/Windows Systems – In BCC 3 Way Color Grade, Egg shape does not match the render when in non-square PAR. Fixed.

Fixed Host Specific Issues:

Media 100 Suite:

• Cannot deactivate RED serial once you’re in unlicensed Media 100. Fixed, so now you can deactivate the serial number.



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